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KA205 Strategic Partnerships for youth

Edusafe Purpose 


EduSafe analyzes a series of case studies brought by the partners on their work done with young people in order to deal with the pandemic restrictions and the emergency context we are living in, despite the lack of an already existing adequate training on these topics.


To satisfy the educational needs of youth workers and young people, EduSafe aims to support their professional development by offering them a toolkit on new and relevant contents, like risk management and emotional support of young people in times of distress. 

Expected results


To support educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff

enriching their skills and abilities.


To awake the civic sense and participation

by sharing examples of active citizenship and responsibility.


To offer teachers a concrete tool

that empowers their role with examples of methodologies and techniques.


To concretely support the professional development of youth workers 

satisfying their educational needs.

KA205 Strategic Partnerships for youth. Agreement number: 2020-3-IT03-KA205-020106
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