Edusafe Training Course is composed by 2 training moment:
Online Training
Physical Training in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
The Online Training has to be completed before the in person training that will take place in Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
This section is entirely dedicated to the material necessary to get ready before the mobility to Spain.
Enjoy the reading!
The material is divided into 3 main sections:
(by clicking on each single document, you have access to read it)
1. Theoretical Introduction on the Covid-19 Global Situation.
2. Study material (not compulsory) on National Pandemic Plan of all the countries involved :
- Italian National Pandemic Plan
- Austrian National Pandemic Plan
- Spanish National Pandemic Plan
- French National Pandemic Plan
- Greek National Pandemic Plan
3. The Best Practices of the project partners implemented with young people, to face the lockdown due to the pandemic emergency.
- Sicuramente project by LARES Italia (Italian Best Practice)
- Mindfulness by Education In Progress SPAIN (Spanish Best Practice)
- Online Learning by Solution: Solidarité&Inclusion (French Best Practice)
- European Solidarity Corps during SARS-COV-2 pandemic by YouInEurope
(Greek Best Practice)
- Young people during the COVID-19 crisis by DCNA (Austrian Best Practice)