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EDUSAFE is officially started

LARES Italia

Aggiornamento: 12 ago 2021

EduSafe is a GoodPractice Exchange project, which collects the experiences of the partners relating to the management of youth activities during the pandemic emergency.

The SARS-CoV2 pandemic has created many inconveniences, in addition to the need to reorganize various aspects of our life, especially for young people. With the spreading of the pandemic, youth workers engaged in various activities in support of young people had to adapt teaching methodologies and support roles in line with the need for social distancing as required. Managing the emotions of youth has also become an even more necessary priority in this emergency context, which is why pedagogical strategies have taken on an even more central role than usual.

LARES ITALIA and DCNA (Austria) will bring scientific contents to the discussion table for an appropriate training of operators and young people on the field of risks. INPROGRESS (Spain) , SOLUTION (France) and YOUINEUROPE (Greece) will add the experience of how they used technical and intellectual resources to face the crisis with excellent final results. Moreover they will show how their system integrated with the contents of LARES and DCNA will become an inspiration for a unique working tool for youth workers in the near future.

The overall duration of the project is 10 months. Even though the pandemic situation caused a delay project, partnership is still going strong. We had to reschedule our first meeting from in person to online thanks to the modern technologies. All the partners are now ready to bring their knowledge to the project, collect and exchange Good Practices and disseminate them through the creation of Deliverables .

The project is co-funded fro Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contests, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



KA205 Strategic Partnerships for youth. Agreement number: 2020-3-IT03-KA205-020106
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